Eaton Gen 2 (AutoShift) Fault Code: 27 PID: SID 55 FMI: 7 Clutch Disengagement

Fault Code 27 indicates the clutch has not disengaged as expected.

1) Starting at key on and throughout operation, the Shift Controller
constantly measures engine RPM and idle torque from the engine.
2) When engaging a start gear, if the engine speed falls significantly
below idle or engine torque rises significantly above idle torque the fault is set.
3) If in gear and the vehicle is brought to a stop and engine speed falls significantly below idle, the fault is set.

There is no fallback associated with this failure; however, it may be difficult to achieve gear engagement or disengagement

Possible Causes:
1) Worn or broken clutch

Shop Talk:
Operate the vehicle. If the fault is present, the system should automatically detect the problem and set the code. If the fault is not present, operate the vehicle and attempt to duplicate the driving conditions that triggered the fault code. Possible triggers include heat, vibration and aggressive stops.