Eaton Fuller Advantage (2017) Fault Code: 11 PID: SID 254 SPN: FMI: 12 No TECU Operation: Bad Intelligent Device

The Fuller Advantage transmission is equipped with a Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU). The TECU performs a variety of functions including receiving inputs from sensors, sending outputs to control devices, operating X-Y Shifter motors and actuators and making shift decisions. Fault Code 11 indicates an internal failure of the TECU.

The TECU performs a self-check during power up, any failure detected sets this fault.

Conditions to Set Fault Code Active:
FMI 12 – Bad Intelligent Device: TECU detects an internal failure.

FMI 12
• “F” flashes in gear display.
• Service light flashes (if equipped).
• Engine may not crank.
• Transmission may not attempt to shift.
• Transmission may not confirm neutral.
• Engine may have to be shut down with transmission still in gear.

Conditions to Set Fault Code Inactive:
FMI 12: Transmission powers up and the failure is no longer detected by the TECU.

Possible Causes:
2) Internal failure