Cummins ISB CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 272 (Auto) PID: SID 126 SPN: 1347 FMI: 3 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit – Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. Electronic fuel control actuator shorted high.
Cummins ISB CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 272 (Auto) PID: SID 126 SPN: 1347 FMI: 3 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit – Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. Electronic fuel control actuator shorted high.
This fault becomes active when the ECM detects an open in the electronic fuel control actuator circuit. Causes of this fault code are a short circuit to a positive voltage or an open circuit in the electronic fuel control actuator circuit. If there is high harness resistance, Fault Code 2311 could have high inactive counts. If the fault code is intermittent, look for causes of an intermittent open circuit such as loose pins and bad connections.
Possible repairs:
1)Replace the high-pressure fuel pump.
2)Repair or replace the engine harness, connector, or pins, if possible.
3)Replace the ECM.
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Hino Diagnostic eXplorer 2 – Hino DX2 v1.1.21.4 with keygen unlocked ( Hino trucks )
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