Volvo All Engines (2017 Emissions) Fault Code: P269712 PID: EMS Exhaust Aftertreatment Fuel Injector “A”

Volvo All Engines (2017 Emissions) Fault Code: P269712 PID: EMS Exhaust Aftertreatment Fuel Injector “A”

Circuit description
During regeneration, the aftertreatment hydrocarbon doser is controlled by an ECM internal function to inject the amount of fuel needed to increase the exhaust temperature in the filter to oxidize the soot. A self diagnostic is performed by the ECM at start up, DPF regeneration and at shut down. A malfunctioning aftertreatment hydrocarbon doser can cause excessive soot levels in the DPF.

Conditions for diagnostic trouble code (DTC)
Short circuit to battery voltage

Observable symptoms
Regeneration not possible

Probable cause
1) Connector
2) Short circuit to battery voltage, Control wire
3) Short circuit to battery voltage, Supply wire
4) Aftertreatment Hydrocarbon Dosing Module