Volvo All Engines (2017 Emissions) Fault Code: P24A400 PID: EMS Diesel Particulate Filter Restriction – Soot Accumulation Too High (Bank 1)

Volvo All Engines (2017 Emissions) Fault Code: P24A400 PID: EMS Diesel Particulate Filter Restriction – Soot Accumulation Too High (Bank 1)

This function is used to determine the level of soot in the diesel particulate filter (DPF). This is done by using four different signal/parameters; estimated driving distance since last aftertreatment DPF regeneration, the time since last regeneration, fuel consumption and the aftertreatment DPF pressure. When this diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is set the filter needs servicing due to high level of soot or the aftertreatment DPF regeneration process does not function properly.

Conditions for diagnostic trouble code (DTC):
1) Critically high soot load
2) High differential pressure across the filter (DPF)
3) Aftertreatment diesel particulate filter (DPF) soot load ratio more than 170 %

Observable symptoms
1) Low Power

Probable cause
1) Regeneration inhibited, driver has not allowed regeneration to take place
2) Regeneration process is not functioning
3) Clogged or broken hose, Aftertreatment DPF Differential Pressure Sensor
4) Aftertreatment diesel particulate filter (DPF) is damaged, soot loaded or missing
5) Catalyst

Detailed information

1) High derate with potentional engine shutdown
2) EGR valve commanded closed