Volvo All Engines (2017 Emissions) Fault Code: P200200 PID: EMS Diesel Particulate Filter Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)

Volvo All Engines (2017 Emissions) Fault Code: P200200 PID: EMS Diesel Particulate Filter Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)

Circuit description
This diagnostic function evaluates if the catalyst is converting the fuel from the aftertreatment hydrocarbon doser into enough heat at the beginning of the aftertreatment diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration. The aftertreatment DPF intake temperature sensor (post catalyst) should steadily increase and stabilize once the desired temperatures are met.

Observable symptoms

Probable cause
1) Exhaust leakage prior to the aftertreatment diesel particulate filter (DPF) unit
2) Aftertreatment DPF Differential Pressure Sensor
3) DPF Sensor lines connected incorrectly
4) Differential pressure sensor lines plugged or damaged
5) Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)