Volvo All Engines (2017 Emissions) Fault Code: P048011 PID: EMS Fan 1 Control Circuit

Volvo All Engines (2017 Emissions) Fault Code: P048011 PID: EMS Fan 1 Control Circuit

Circuit description
Electronic Viscous Fan: The Electronic Fan Drive contains a solenoid that controls the flow of fluid between reservoirs in the fan drive housing and cover. The Engine Control Module (ECM) provides a (PWM) Pulse Width Modulation signal to the solenoid and controls solenoid operation to optimize fan speed, based on coolant temperature, intake air temperature and A/C load.

Observable symptoms
Engine fan permanently disengaged
High engine coolant temperature (ECT)

Probable cause
1) Connector
2) Wiring harness
3) Solenoid valve, engine fan
4) Engine Control Module