Volvo All Engines (2013 Emissions) Fault Code: P229F64 PID: EMS NOx Sensor Gas Outlet Removed

Volvo All Engines (2013 Emissions) Fault Code: P229F64 PID: EMS NOx Sensor Gas Outlet Removed

The NOx sensor measures the amount of NOx in the exhaust system. The NOx sensor is connected in the J2284/ISO data link. This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) indicates a NOx monitoring failure. For example; NOx sensor short- or open circuit, NOx sensor removed, NOx sensor missing signal.

Conditions for diagnostic trouble code (DTC):
1) Abnormal sensor signal

Observable symptoms
1) None

Probable cause
1) Sensor not mounted in exhaust stream
2) Charge air system leakage
3) Exhaust system leakage
4) NOx sensor

Detailed information
1) The component is not activated only when the ignition is in the ON position, or by starting the engine