Volvo All Engines (2013 Emissions) Fault Code: P221A00 PID: EMS ISO/SAE Reserved

Volvo All Engines (2013 Emissions) Fault Code: P221A00 PID: EMS ISO/SAE Reserved

Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC):
ISO/SAE Reserved

Code Description

Component/System: NOx Sensors – NOx Sensor Measurement
Monitor Strategy: Plausibility
Fault Limit: Absolute difference between Lambda IN and Lambda OUT more than threshold evaluated 30 times more than 1
Enable Criteria:
Engine Speed within 1300-1900 RPM
Engine Torque more than 1000 N.m
Ambient Air Temperature within -7-40?C
BP within 75-105 kPa
Greater coolant temperature than 149?F (65?C)
Engine Speed Stability within -10-10 RPM
Torque Stability within -15-15 N.m
Disable Criteria: P0400, P0402, P225D, P225F, P242A, P0421, P2201, P225C, P221A not active.
Time Taken in Storing Fault Code: 0.6 seconds (30 sub evaluations. PASS: if 30 out of 30 evaluations are good. FAIL: if 1 or more out of 30 evaluations fails)
Activation of MIL: 2 Drive Cycles