Volvo All Engines (2013 Emissions) Fault Code: P019511 PID: EMS Engine Oil Temperature Sensor “A”

Volvo All Engines (2013 Emissions) Fault Code: P019511 PID: EMS Engine Oil Temperature Sensor “A”

Circuit description
The Engine Oil Temperature/Level Sensor contains two resistors: One for engine oil temperature and one for engine oil level.

Conditions for diagnostic trouble code (DTC)
The voltage at pin A14.EA:31 is less than 0.1?V

Diagnostic operating conditions
Ignition key in ON position

Observable symptoms
High fuel consumption
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) gauge shows 0
Engine fan constantly engaged
Less powerful engine since the fan takes power from the engine

Probable cause
1) Connector
2) Wiring harness
3) Engine control module (ECM)