Volvo All Engines (2004 Emissions) Fault Code: PID 111 FMI 1 Coolant Level Switch

Fault Condition: This fault will become active when the EMS Module detects that the coolant level switch has experienced a power loss or that the level can not be detected. Engine power may be derated.

Possible repairs:

Turn the ignition key OFF first.

1) Disconnect the Coolant Level Switch connector. With the coolant filled to the proper level, check for continuity across the two terminals of the Coolant Level Switch. If continuity does not exists, replace the Coolant Level Switch and retest the system.
2) Disconnect EMS Module connector B and the Coolant Level Switch connector. Measure for continuity between EMS Module connector B pin 10 and pin 2 of the Coolant Level Switch connector. If there is NO continuity, repair the open in the harness reference voltage line.
3) Disconnect EMS Module connector B and the Coolant Level Switch connector. Measure for continuity between EMS Module connector B pin 23 and pin 1 of the Coolant Level Switch connector. If there is NO continuity, repair the open in the harness reference voltage line.
4) Disconnect the Coolant Level Switch connector. Disconnect EMS Module connector B. Measure for voltage between Coolant Level Switch pin 1 and a good ground. If measured voltage is NOT approximately 0 volts, locate and repair the short to power in the harness.
5) Disconnect the Coolant Level Switch connector. Disconnect EMS Module connector B. Check for continuity between Coolant Level Switch pin 1 and a good ground. If continuity exists, locate and repair the short to ground in the harness.
6) Reconnect the connectors to the Coolant Level Switch. Reconnect EMS Module connectors A and B. Turn the ignition key ON and check for any fault codes. If PID 111 is still active, check EMS Module connector A and B for dirt, shorted or corroded pins, or any other repairable damage. If no problems are evident, or are not repairable, replace the EMS Module and retest the system.