PACCAR PX-8 CM2150 (2007-09) Fault Code: 2765 PID: SPN: 2797 FMI: 13 Engine Injector Bank 1 Barcodes – Out of Calibration. Invalid injector barcode information has been entered.

Verify the electronic control module (ECM) calibration is correct. Check the calibration revision history found on QuickServe™ Online for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. If necessary, recalibrate the ECM.

Each fuel injector has a specific barcode. The barcode data contains specific injector information. This barcode information needs to be entered into the ECM with INSITE™ electronic service tool. If an engine is found to have incorrect injector barcode values, the correct injector barcode values must be entered. The engine symptom of incorrect barcode values can include rough idle. The factory installed injector barcode values can be found in QuickServe™ Online by entering the correct engine serial number (ESN), selecting Service, and then Engine Dataplate. The correct injector barcode values for that ESN are contained in the engine dataplate section. If the engine has had a previous repair involving the replacement of injectors, the valve cover must be removed to determine the injector barcodes values on the replacement injectors. Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to enter the barcode values into the ECM for this fault code to go inactive.

Possible repairs:

1)If the engine has had a previous repair involving the replacement of injectors, the valve cover must be removed to determine the injector barcodes values on the replacement injectors.