PACCAR PX-8 CM2150 (2007-09) Fault Code: 2346 PID: SPN: 2789 0 Turbocharger Turbine Inlet Temperature (Calculated) – Data Valid but Above Normal Operational Range – Least Severe Level. Turbocharger turbine inlet temperature has exceeded the engine protection limit.

Verify the electronic control module (ECM) calibration is correct. Check the calibration revision history found on QuickServe® Online for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. If necessary, recalibrate the ECM.

This fault code is an information fault code indicating that the engine has been derated for high turbine inlet temperature (exhaust temperature). No troubleshooting is necessary for this fault code. It is only an indicator that the engine power was derated to limit the exhaust temperature.

If the condition continues to exist, Fault Code 2451 will become active.

The engine power output was derated to limit the exhaust temperatures. This is normal operation. No repairs are necessary.