Eaton Gen 2 (AutoShift) Fault Code: 71 PID: SID 60 FMI: 7 Stuck Engaged

Fault Code 71 indicates the transmission was unable to move the front box to neutral during a shift request.

The transmission detects this fault by attempting the same shifter actions 5 times and not sensing the desired position.

This fault causes an in-place fallback.

Possible Causes:
1) Low power to Gear Select Motor
2) Gear Select Sensor
3) Electric Shifter
4) Yoke, Clutch, Main Shaft
5) Shift Block
6) Failed or misaligned Shift Block
7) Dragging clutch
8) Torque locked in gear

Shop Talk:
Engage low gear and allow the vehicle to slowly move forward. While the vehicle is in motion, move the Shift Lever to reverse low and slowly bring the vehicle to a stop. The vehicle will shift into reverse low. Several shifts (10 or more) may be required before operator confirms the failure.