Eaton Gen 2 (AutoShift) Fault Code: 61 PID: SID 39 FMI: 5 Rail Select Motor

Fault Code indicates an electrical failure of the Rail Select Motor.

Starting at key on and throughout operation, the Transmission Controller constantly measures the motor circuit. If a failure mode of short to battery, short to ground, or open circuit is detected, the fault code is set. The Transmission Controller also monitors the amount of current required to drive the motors. If the over current limit is exceeded, the fault code is also set.

This fault causes an in-place fallback.

Possible Causes:
1) Rail Select Motor
2) Transmission Controller

Shop Talk:
Key on. If the fault is present, the system should automatically detect the problem and set the code. If the fault is not present at key on, operate the vehicle and attempt to duplicate the driving conditions that triggered the fault code. Possible triggers include heat, vibration.