Eaton Gen 2 (AutoShift) Fault Code: 16 PID: SID 248 FMI: 2 Eaton Proprietary Link (EPL)

Fault Code 16 indicates the Shift Controller and the Transmission Controller are unable to communicate.

Starting at key on and throughout operation, the Shift Controller
constantly communicates with the Transmission Controller. If a communication failure occurs for more than 5 seconds, Fault Code 16 is set.

This fault causes an in-place fallback while operating and a failure during system initialization.

Possible Causes:
1) Vehicle Harness
2) Transmission Controller
3) Shift Controller

Shop Talk:
Key on. If the fault is present, the system should automatically detect the problem and set the code. If the fault is not present at key on, operate the vehicle and attempt to duplicate the driving conditions that triggered the fault code. Possible triggers include heat and vibration.