Eaton Gen 1 (AutoShift) Fault Code: 58 PID: PID 191 FMI: 2 Output Shaft Speed Sensor

This code indicates an electrical problem in the output shaft speed sensor circuit. The signal from the sensor did not match the current operating conditions.

A Speed Sensor is determined faulty when all Speed Sensor readings are compared and one sensor is inconsistent.

This fault causes a 5-speed fallback and the transmission stays in either LO range or HI range. When the vehicle comes to a stop, an attempt to shift into LO range is made. The fallback causes a 1-speed fallback on transmissions with no auxiliary section.

Required Tools:
1) Basic Hand Tools
2) Digital Volt/Ohm Meter
3) AutoSelect/AutoShift Troubleshooting Guide

Possible Causes
1) Loose speed sensor
2) Contaminated sensor end
3) Damaged transmission harness
4) Malfunctioning output shaft speed sensor
5) Failed or loose tone wheel
6) Malfunctioning transmission ECU