Eaton Gen 1 (AutoShift) Fault Code: 33 PID: PID 168 FMI: 4 Battery Voltage Supply

This code indicates the system manager has detected that the battery power supply is low.

The fault is detected immediately after power-up. This fault causes the service lamp to flash, but cannot be retrieved via key clicks (because turning the ignition key off at this point results in an immediate shutdown).

This fault causes an In Place fallback.

Required Tools:
1) Basic Hand Tools
2) Digital Volt/Ohm Meter
3) AutoSelect/AutoShift Troubleshooting Guide

Possible Causes:
1) Battery bus fuse/circuit breaker is open
2) Low batteries
3) Damaged tower or OEM harness
4) Damaged transmission harness
5) Malfunctioning power connect relay
6) Malfunctioning system manager ECU