Cummins ISX11.9 CM2250 (2010-12) Fault Code: 2637 (BCL) PID: SID 380 SPN: 5018 FMI: 11 Aftertreatment Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Face Plugged- Root Cause Not Known
Circuit Description
This fault code is set when the intake face of the diesel oxidation catalyst is detected to be plugged with soot.
The aftertreatment system is monitored by three temperature sensors that are located in the exhaust system. The temperature sensors around the aftertreatment diesel oxidation catalyst are used to monitor the temperature differential across the catalyst during active regeneration of the aftertreatment system.
Component Location
The aftertreatment diesel oxidation catalyst is located in the exhaust system. The location of the catalyst can vary, depending on the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Refer to the OEM service manual.
Conditions for Running the Diagnostics
This diagnostic runs continuously when the engine is running and an active regeneration of the aftertreatment is occurring.
Conditions for Setting the Fault Codes
The ECM detects that the intake face of the diesel oxidation catalyst is plugged with soot.
Action Taken When the Fault Code is Active
The fault code is logged immediately when the diagnostic runs and fails.
Active and stationary regeneration of the diesel particulate filter will be disabled.
The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve operation will be disabled.
Engine torque will be reduced if the engine is operated for an extended period of time with this fault code active.
Conditions for Clearing the Fault Code
This is a no lamp fault code. The fault code will be set to inactive after performing INSITE? electronic service tool Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Maintenance Reset procedure, found under the Aftertreatment Maintenance section of Advanced ECM Data, or when the conditions for diesel oxidation catalyst face plugging are no longer occurring.
The fault code status displayed by INSITE? electronic service tool will change to INACTIVE immediately after the diagnostic runs and passes.
The ?Reset All Faults? command in INSITE? electronic service tool can be used to clear active and inactive faults.
Shop Talk
This fault code is set when the inlet face of the diesel oxidation catalyst is detected to be plugged with soot.
Possible causes of this fault code include:
Engine oil or fuel plugging the front face of the aftertreatment diesel oxidation catalyst.
Reference the appropriate OEM wiring diagram when troubleshooting circuits that utilize wiring supplied by the OEM.
For intermittent power supply and data link communication issues with aftertreatment components, it is highly recommended that the OEM Power Distribution Center fuses and relays be thoroughly checked for loose, missing, or intermittent connections.
Possible Cause:
1) ECM calibration
2) Aftertreatment DOC failure
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