Cummins ISM CM875 (2003-06) Fault Code: 595 PID: P103 SPN: 103 FMI: 0/16 Turbocharger 1 Speed – Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range – Moderately Severe Level. High turbocharger speed has been detected by the engine control module (ECM).

NOTE: This fault code may become active if the protective shipping sticker is not removed from the port located on the end opposite of the connector. When installing a new turbocharger control valve, make sure the adhesive cover is removed.

This fault can come active any time the key is on and the ECM detects turbocharger speed greater than a calibration limit. This fault can be caused by malfunctions in the following components:

1)Turbocharger speed sensor
2)Engine harness
3)ECM power supply or grounds
4)Electronic vehicle accessories which emit excessive electromagnetic interference.
This fault becomes inactive any time the ECM detects a valid turbocharger speed.

If the fault occurs intermittently:

1)Look for causes of intermittent open circuit or short circuits in the turbocharger speed sensor circuit (including the speed sensor pigtail connector).
2)Look for sources of electronic noise such as poorly installed vehicle electronic components.
3)Make sure the vehicle chassis grounds are in good condition.
4)Make sure the ECM power supply and ground circuits are in good condition and that this power supply is not shared with other vehicle electronics.

Possible repairs:

1)Replace the turbocharger speed sensor.
2)Repair or replace the engine harness.
3)Replace the EMC.