Cummins ISM CM875 (2003-06) Fault Code: 224 PID: S085 SPN: 1265 FMI: 3/3 Centinel? oil control valve circuit – shorted high. Open circuit or high signal voltage detected at Centinel? oil control valve circuit.

The Centinel? oil control valve, turbocharger control valve, and turbocharger control shutoff valve share the same return wire in the engine harness. If Fault Codes 224, 2355, and 2277 are all active, check the return ground terminal for a faulty ground connection.

Possible causes:

1)Open circuit in the engine harness, connectors, or Centinel? oil control valve.
2)Signal circuit shorted to a voltage source in the engine harness.

Possible repairs:

1)Replace the Centinel? oil control valve.
2)Replace the ECM.
3)Repair or replace the engine harness.