Cummins ISM CM870 (2003-06) Fault Code: 2353 PID: S146 SPN: 2791 FMI: 6/6 EGR Valve Control Circuit – Current Above Normal or Grounded Circuit. A short circuit to ground has been detected in the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve motor circuit.

The ECM monitors the current draw of this circuit. If the ECM detects excessive current, it sets the Fault Code 2353 active.

NOTE: Prior to running the INSITE? electronic service tool EGR Valve and EGR Valve/Turbocharger Operational Test, the ECM Calibration Software Phase could possibly need to be updated to the latest Software Phase. The ECM Calibration Phase Software can be checked in INSITE? electronic service tool, under ‘Features and Parameters’. Expand the selection for ‘System ID and Dataplate’ and go to ‘Calibration Information’. If the Software Phase is earlier than shown below, recalibrate the ECM using the January 2006 INCAL? CD-ROM, or later. Engines with the Software Phase listed below or later do not require a recalibration.

ISX engines with CM870 (engines built after January 2004) require Software Phase 06050302.

ISX engines with CM870 (engines built before January 2004) require no changes at this time.

This is a warrantable calibration change.

Possible causes:

1)EGR valve motor (+) or (-) leads shorted together in the engine harness, EGR valve extension harness, EGR valve motor or ECM
2)Low EGR valve motor internal resistance.

Possible repairs:

1)Replace the EGR valve.
2)Repair or replace the EGR valve extension harness.
2)Repair or replace the engine harness.