Cummins ISL CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 2345 (ISL) PID: 103 SPN: 103 FMI: 10 Turbocharger speed – invalid rate of change detected. The turbocharger speed sensor has detected an erroneous speed value.

Cummins ISL CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 2345 (ISL) PID: 103 SPN: 103 FMI: 10 Turbocharger speed – invalid rate of change detected. The turbocharger speed sensor has detected an erroneous speed value.

This fault becomes active if the engine is running and the turbocharger speed signal rapidly changes faster than the capabilities of the turbocharger. This could be caused by a bent or missing compressor blade or a damaged compressor wheel.

Possible repairs:

1)Replace the turbocharger.