Cummins ISC CM2150 (2007-09) Fault Code: 234 PID: 190 SPN: 190 FMI: Engine Crankshaft Speed/Position – Data Valid but Above Normal Operational Range – Most Severe Level. Engine speed signal indicates engine speed above engine protection limit.
Verify the electronic control module (ECM) calibration is correct. Check the calibration revision history found on QuickServe® Online for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. If necessary, recalibrate the ECM.
Possible causes:
1)External fuel sources drawn into the intake air passage
2)Reverse powering (motoring) of the engine
3)Tampering of the engine speed/position sensors
Inspect the intake manifold for sources of flammable vapors. Check the turbocharger seals to verify that there are no oil leaks. Inspect the engine speed/position sensors for damage or tampering.
Possible repairs:
1)Replace the crankshaft engine speed sensor.
2)Replace the camshaft engine position sensor
3)Replace the ECM.
Categories Cumminz, DTC TRUCKS, ISC CM2150 (2007-09)
Tags 2007-09, Above, But, CM2150, Code234, Crankshaft, Cummins, Data, Engine, Fault, FMI, indicates, ISC, Level, limit., Most, Normal, Operational, PID190, Protection, Range, Severe, signal, Speed, Speed/Position, SPN190, Valid
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