Cummins ISB6.7 CM2150 (2007-09) Fault Code: 435 (ISB) PID: 100 SPN: 100 FMI: 2 Engine Oil Rifle Pressure – Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect. An error in the engine oil pressure switch signal was detected by the ECM.
Verify the electronic control module (ECM) calibration is correct. Check the calibration revision history found on QuickServe® Online for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. If necessary, calibrate the ECM.
The oil pressure switch is closed with the engine not running and open when oil pressure is present. This fault code is logged when an open circuit is detected for five consecutive key cycles when the ECM expected a closed circuit at key-on. Possible causes of this fault code include:
1)Damaged engine oil pressure switch
2)Open circuit in the engine oil pressure switch signal wire
3)Damaged ECM
4)Short circuit in the engine oil pressure switch signal wire to a voltage source.
Possible repairs:
1)Repair or replace the engine oil pressure switch.
2)Clean the connector and pins.
3)Repair or replace the engine harness.
4)The removal and installation of the connector may correct the fault.
5)Replace the ECM.
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