Cummins ISB6.7 CM2150 (2007-09) Fault Code: 2449 PID: SID 027 SPN: 641 FMI: 13 VGT Actuator Controller – Out of Calibration. The VGT has failed the automatic calibration procedure at initial key-ON.
Verify the ECM calibration is correct. Check the calibration revision history found on QuickServe™ Online for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. If necessary, calibrate the ECM.
This fault code is logged when one of the following error conditions exists.
1)If the turbocharger actuator has just been replaced and this fault code is active, this usually indicates that the turbocharger actuator has not been installed correctly. The gear alignment between the actuator and the turbocharger housing is misaligned.
2)Foreign material in the VGT turbocharger can prevent the sliding nozzle from moving to the desired position at key-on.
The aftertreatment system must be inspected after making the appropriate repair outlined in this fault code troubleshooting tree. Progressive damage to the aftertreatment system may have occurred. Perform the aftertreatment initial check procedure to test for a damaged diesel particulate filter.
Possible repairs:
1)Inspect the grid heater for damage or plugging. If found damaged, replace the grid heater and inspect the air handling system for debris.
2)Replace the VGT actuator.
3)Replace the turbocharger.
4)Replace the damaged aftertreatment system component(s).
5)If necessary, calibrate the ECM.
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