Cummins ISB CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 545 PID: SID 32 SPN: 1188 FMI: 7 Turbocharger 1 Wastegate Control ? Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment. Intake manifold pressure has exceeded the maximum limit for the given engine rating.
Cummins ISB CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 545 PID: SID 32 SPN: 1188 FMI: 7 Turbocharger 1 Wastegate Control ? Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment. Intake manifold pressure has exceeded the maximum limit for the given engine rating.
This fault code become active when the intake manifold pressure exceeds the maximum pressure limit for a given engine rating.
Possible causes:
1)Malfunctioning turbocharger wastegate
2)Wastegate tampering
3)Wrong turbocharger part
4)Possible tampering of the fuel system or turbocharger system.
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) Information:
1)The ECM illuminates the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) when the diagnostic runs and fails.
2)The ECM turns OFF the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) after 3 consecutive ignition cycles that the diagnostic runs and does not fail. The MIL lamp and fault code can also be cleared using the INSITE? service tool.
3)The fault code will be cleared from memory after 40 consecutive drive cycles where the diagnostic runs and passes.
Possible repairs:
1)Replace the intake manifold pressure sensor.
2)Replace the turbocharger wastegate actuator.
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