Cummins ISB CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 342 PID: SID 253 SPN: 630 FMI: 13 Electronic Calibration Code Incompatibility – Out of Calibration. An incompatable calibration between the primary and secondary OEM installed ECM’s has been detected.
Cummins ISB CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 342 PID: SID 253 SPN: 630 FMI: 13 Electronic Calibration Code Incompatibility – Out of Calibration. An incompatable calibration between the primary and secondary OEM installed ECM’s has been detected.
This fault code is logged when incompatible calibrations between the primary and secondary OEM installed ECM’s is detected The fault is not triggered by the Cummins installed engine ECM and is only stored as an information fault code. Do not recalibrate or change the Cummins ECM for this fault code.
Possible repairs:
1)Incompatible calibrations have been detected in the OEM installed primary and secondary ECM’s.
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