Cummins ISB CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 2292 PID: SPN: FMI: 16 Fuel Inlet Meter Device – Data Valid but Above Normal Operational Range – Moderately Severe Level. The flow demand is higher than expected.

Cummins ISB CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 2292 PID: SPN: FMI: 16 Fuel Inlet Meter Device – Data Valid but Above Normal Operational Range – Moderately Severe Level. The flow demand is higher than expected.

Causes of this fault code include the following: High inlet restriction, plugged fuel filter, low lift pump pressure, low resistance to the electronic fuel control actuator, stuck or restricted electronic fuel control actuator, system return (excessive return flow from the injectors, high-pressure pump, or rail pressure relief valve), or tampering.

Fault Code 2292 sets when the ECM commands the electronic fuel control actuator to open more than expected to maintain rail pressure. Fault Code 2215 sets when the ECM opens the electronic fuel control actuator to fully open and rail pressure is still lower than commanded.

Once the repair has been made, this fault code will require approximately 15-20 minutes of road test or dynamometer run to be set inactive.

Possible repairs:

1)Replace the electric lift pump.
2)Replace the OEM fuel filter.
3)Replace the pressure-side filter and verify the pressure-side fuel lines are not restricted.
4)Replace the rail fuel pressure relief valve.
5)Replace the high-pressure fuel pump.