Cummins ISL CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 2385 (ISL) PID: SID 27 SPN: 641 FMI: 3 VGT actuator driver circuit – voltage above normal or shorted to high source.

Cummins ISL CM850 (2003-06) Fault Code: 2385 (ISL) PID: SID 27 SPN: 641 FMI: 3 VGT actuator driver circuit – voltage above normal or shorted to high source.

A possible cause of this fault is the turbocharger actuator signal (+ or -) leads can be shorted to a voltage source in the harness or the ECM.

Do not supply voltage of any kind to the EGR valve motor. This circuit uses a pulse-width-modulated signal and direct voltage can permanently damage the motor.

Possible repairs:

1)Replace the engine harness.
2)Replace the ECM.
3The removal and installation of the connector may correct the fault.