Volvo All Engines (2013 Emissions) Fault Code: P226413 PID: EMS Water in Fuel Sensor

Volvo All Engines (2013 Emissions) Fault Code: P226413 PID: EMS Water in Fuel Sensor

Voltage from the Engine Control Module (ECM) is applied to the Water In Fuel Filter Sensor when the ignition switch is in the ON position. If water is detected, the Water In Fuel Filter sensor will notify the driver to drain the water from the bowl by illuminating a lamp on the dash of the vehicle.

Conditions for diagnostic trouble code (DTC):
1) The voltage at pin A14.EB:8 is less than 1.2?V

Probable cause
1) Faulty sensor
2) Wiring harness
3) Connector

Detailed information
1) Water in the fuel can lead to engine failure