Volvo All Engines (2010 Emissions) Fault Code: SPN 3250 FMI 5 PID: DPF Spark Assisted Flame Temperature Sensor

This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) indicates malfunction at the aftertreatment diesel particulate filter (DPF) flame temperature sensor. This aftertreatment DPF flame temperature sensor is used to measure engine exhaust gas temperature (EGT) within the flame region of the aftertreatment DPF during aftertreatment DPF regeneration. The aftertreatment control module (ACM) monitors this temperature to detect the existence of the flame. Diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) may result if the system is unable to light the flame or if there are multiple flame losses. Aftertreamemt DPF regeneration will be prevented until the system is sufficiently warmed-up for the specified duration.

Conditions for diagnostic trouble code (DTC):
1) The voltage at pin A14.EB:27 is less than 0.17?V

Diagnostic operating conditions
1) Ignition key in ON position

Observable symptoms
1) High fuel consumption
2) Engine fan constantly engaged

Probable cause
1) Engine coolant temperature sensor
2) Short circuit to ground
3) Connector
4) Wiring harness
5) Engine control module (ECM)


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