Volvo All Engines (2010 Emissions) Fault Code: SPN 4094 FMI 1 PID: PSID 90 Nox Limits Exceeded Due to Insufficient Reagent Quality

This function indicates that the NOx conversion efficiency is not correct

Conditions for diagnostic trouble code (DTC):
1) Too high NOx emissions
2) Dosing too low

Observable symptoms
1) Engine de-rated

Probable cause
1) Dosing too low
2) Wrong liquid in tank
3) Faulty contact or defective aftertreatment control module (ACM)
4) Aftertreatment diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) dosage valve
5) Restricted filter
6) Aftertreatment Hydrocarbon Doser, over-fueling
7) Aftertreatment selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst

Detailed information
1) This DTC is only activated if the system is in a temporary state from de-rate
2) The vehicle can be driven to a repair facility in normal driving mode (one driving cycle)
3) This mode is also used by the service shop to allow operation of the vehicle to clear the quality inducement fault